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Sanature 100% Cotton Sanitary Pads
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For the most intimate parts of your body, you only want to use products that consist of purely natural materials. Sanature's sanitary pads super with wings are made of 100% cotton, which prevents the development of vaginal skin irritation or helps to reduce existing skin irritation. If you suffer from itching, a burning sensation and/or redness of the skin around the vagina, Sanature has a clinically proven effect in reducing skin irritation.

The 100% cotton sanitary pads super with wings from Sanature are suitable for heavy flow or during the night. They are ultra-thin and soft for extra comfort.

- Has a 100% cotton core and top layer
- Breathes better and prevents allergic reactions of the skin
- Has a cotton HyDri filter for an extra dry feeling and more comfort
- Contains no bleach, perfume or chemical absorbent granules
- With wings for extra comfort and protection

That makes us one of the few feminine hygiene brands that also thought about your outside and inside, when developing the outside and inside of our products. Makes sense to us. And is good for you. In this way you prevent intimate skin irritation with our natural cotton products.