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Co-Chem Pharmacy
Floradix Liquid Iron and Vitamin Formula- 500ml
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Floradix Liquid Iron Formula contains iron (in the form of iron gluconate), vitamins B2, B6, B12 and C, which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and to normal energy yielding metabolism. Iron also contributes to normal red blood cell and haemoglobin formation, which is supported by vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Floradix also contains vitamin C, which increases iron absorption. As these nutrients are already dissolved in the liquid, they're absorbed more quickly by the digestive system compared to tablets. 

Floradix contains No Preservatives, No Colourings, No Lactose, No Alcohol, No Artificial Flavourings and is suitable for Vegetarians. Suitable for children- please follow directions.

Comes in 250ml and 500ml sizes, as well as in tablet form


Always read the instruction before taking any supplements or medicinesThis is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet nor a healthy lifestyle
