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Co-Chem Pharmacy
Antigen Kit and Service
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  • Get your results in 20 minutes
  • Guaranteed same-day results/certificate
  • Accepted for travel to the US, Germany, Italy & more

This service is provided by Medicspot

Step 1

Register your test kit online and perform your swab by following the instructions provided (checktimeline requirements for your destination country here if using for travel).

Step 2

Send Medicspot a photo of your results. They’ll analyse these for you and send you the results (with free doctor certificate) the same day.


- This test is suitable for 48, 72 and 96 hour time windows and flights.

- Everyone must get tested regardless of their vaccination status.

- You must register your kit before performing your swab. If you have problems registering your kit on a mobile device, please use a desktop computer.
Any issues regarding the test process should be directed to Medicspot. 